Serving Clients in the Second Circuit and the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York
Southern District of New York
Alejandra Arguello
Paralegal (212) 417-8720
Michael Arthus
Attorney (212) 417-8760
Zawadi Baharanyi
Attorney (212) 417-8735
Sarah Baumgartel
Attorney (212) 417-8772
Angel Bosques
Client & Mitigation Specialist (914) 458-8133
Jennifer Brown
Attorney-in-Charge (212) 417-8722
William Burrell
Interpreter (212) 417-8726
Karina Buruca
Client & Mitigation Specialist (212) 417-8788
Marisa Cabrera
Director of Strategic Litigation (212) 417-8730
Harry Cadet
Administrative Officer (212) 417-8746
Martin Cohen
Attorney (212) 417-8737
Peggy Cross-Goldenberg
Supervising Trial Attorney (212) 417-8732
James Curtis-Ward
Director of Information Technology (212) 417-8761
Andrew Dalack
Attorney (212) 417-8768
Lizbeth Dominguez
Support Staff (212) 417-8752
Nidia I. Espaillat
Investigator (212) 417-8711
Taylor Eutsey
Client & Mitigation Specialist (212) 417-8796
Anna Finkel
Chief Investigator (212) 417-8714
Christopher Flood
Attorney (212) 417-8734
Amy Gallicchio
Attorney (212) 417-8728
Tamara Giwa
Executive Director (212) 417-8719
Ben Gold
Attorney (914) 458-8128
Mark Gombiner
Attorney (212) 417-8718
Clay Kaminsky
Attorney (212) 417-8749
Neil P. Kelly
Attorney (212) 417-8744
Sarah Kwon
Chief Paralegal (212) 417-8782
Brittany Larson
Senior Client & Mitigation Specialist (212) 417-8740
Barry D. Leiwant
Attorney-in-Charge Appeals (212) 417-8763
John Lee
Litigation Support, Special Projects (212) 417-8751
Marne Lenox
Attorney (212) 417-8721
Sylvie Levine
Deputy Director (212) 417-8729
Yasmina Malouf
Paralegal (212) 417-8780
Ian Marcus Amelkin
Attorney (212) 417-8733
Rachel Martin
Attorney (914) 428-7126
Jonathan Marvinny
Attorney (212) 417-8792
Hannah McCrea
Attorney (212) 417-8724
Henry Peets
Investigator (914) 428-7124
Elizabeth K. Quinn
Attorney (914) 428-7133
Rebecca Reid
Paralegal (212) 417-8708
Rosanna Rodriguez
Interpreter (212) 417-8764
Michael Rooney
Attorney (212) 417-8715
Sophia Schall
Investigator (212) 417-8713
Mitchell "Mitt” Schwartz
Attorney (212) 417-8707
Milkay Teysir
Paralegal (212) 417-8786
Ashley Toribio
Paralegal (212) 417-8727
Wanda Toro
Support Staff (212) 417-8794
Karen Van Outryve
Executive Secretary (212) 417-8741
Rachelle Veasley
Director of Client & Mitigation Services (212) 417-8762
Juliet Vicari
Client Services Coordinator (914) 458-8127
Giselle Villanueva
Branch Administrator (212) 417-8756
Ariel Werner
Attorney (212) 417-8770
Isaac Wheeler
Attorney (212) 417-8717
Jane White
Attorney (914) 458-8129
Kevon Williams
Assistant Computer Systems Administrator (212) 417-8778
Kristoff Williams
Attorney (212) 417-8791
G. E. Wilson
Support Staff (212) 417-8759
Iman Wright
Director of Human Resources (212) 417-8799